When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my
vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.
-- Audre Lorde
Brown Sugar
Sex Majick
Every time you have an orgasm you are amassing a great deal of energy in your body and energy field. This energy can be used in many ways; it’s the creative force we humans have that makes us able to reproduce and brings us closer to Divine. We will explore ways to harness that energy, whether for manifesting more sex, love and romance in your life, or using that energy for material abundance or any goal you could set for yourself! In these 3 Modules, you'll learn how to consciously cultivate your sexual/orgasmic energy, how to harness and focus it, exercises and practices to raise it. You'll learn manifestation techniques step-by-step that I have used personally for years, you'll learn how to amplify the energy of the Sex Majick with a partner or group. You'll also learn traditional works to attract a lover, to have more sexual energy in your life, to encourage fidelity or to deepen an already established relationship.
Courage to take honest stock of your sexual life and desires.
A private space where you can practice sexual related activities.
Opportunity to experience this 6 week beta cohort at a price that will not be available again!
You'll need an hour or two a week (though you can devote more, of course) to complete each week's solo work.
You'll need to be able to read .pdfs or .docx files. You'll also need to either be able to print them or edit them.
You'll need to be able to view live broadcasts or recordings. (platform TBA)
Natural Tarot
This empowering journey with tarot is for folks who are fairly new to the tarot. You'll learn the history of POCs and the tarot, You'll learn how to connect with your deck and increase your intuition. You'll also learn the numerology and symbolism in the cards and some spreads that can get you reading helpfully and accurately almost immediately. We'll have group meetings online once a week for questions and to work with the weekly lesson. Join the group to connect with others who are where you are and with me.
5 modules/5 weeks.
You must have your own deck of tarot cards, preferably one based on the Ryder Waite traditional deck.
Opportunity to get in this 5 week beta cohort at a discounted price that will not be available again!
You'll need an hour or two a week (though you can devote more, of course) to complete each week's solo work.
You'll need to be able to read .pdfs or .docx files. You'll also need to either be able to print them or edit them.
You'll need to be able to view live broadcasts (platform TBA)
Natural Tarot
This intermediate tarot experience is for folks who have some experience and familiarity with tarot. We'll increase intuitive skills, learn deeper meanings in the cards and how certain cards have archetypal relationships with other cards. The connection between cards to get more meaningful messages that you can apply to real life situations. You will also learn how to create your own spreads and more advanced spreads - both famous ones and ones used by myself.
4 Modules/4 weeks
You must have your own deck of tarot cards.
Opportunity to get in this 4 week beta cohort at a discounted price that will not be available again!
You'll need an hour or two a week (though you can devote more, of course) to complete each week's solo work.
You'll need to be able to read .pdfs or .docx files. You'll also need to either be able to print them or edit them.
You'll need to be able to view live broadcasts (platform TBA)
Natural Majick
Everyone has Majick in them -- Naturally!
This is a 9 week journey toward your own solid Spiritual Life. Having a Spiritual Practice is a gift you give yourself. It gives priority to creating an emotional and Spiritual Space in your life. Doing so increases discernment, intuition, connection to the miraculous world around you. Doing so will create a Sacred Space in your life and bring to Light the connection to Divinity you are Naturally capable of. 9 modules of lessons, definitions, instructions on Altar construction, uses of herbs, roots, candles and oils in your practice. Divination, Elemental & Planetary Workings and spellwork. I'm lending my 30+ plus years of experience with practicing Majick to you for validation, guidance and accountability.
9 Modules/9 weeks
You must have a place to set up sacred items (even if it's temporary)
Opportunity to get in this 9 week beta cohort at a discounted price that will not be available again!
You'll need an hour or two a week (though you can devote more, of course) to complete each week's solo work.
You'll need to be able to read .pdfs or .docx files. You'll also need to either be able to print them or edit them.
You'll need to be able to view live broadcasts or recordings. (platform TBA)